2023–2024 Academic Achievement Results
Distinguished Achievement Program Rating
Pass Rate on State Assessment
Industry Certifications
College Credit
Post Graduation Placement Rate
We’re not like every other high school. See what makes our district stand out from the crowd. CAVIT is a public high school working to prepare 11–12th grade students for high-wage, high demand occupations. At CAVIT, we inspire students to achieve career success.
Stay Informed
Career Display Finalists Enjoy Experience
After showcasing different careers at CAVIT, student finalists hope to participate in HOSA and SkillsUSA competitions.
CollegeCon Event Brings Post-Secondary Awareness to Students
Our CollegeCon event was a huge success with a 98% satisfaction evaluation and 14 post-secondary workshops available to students to experience.
Teachers Reflect on 1st Quarter Instructional Highlights
Teachers reflect on the impactful content, memorable hands-on skills mastered, and work-based learning activity completed by students.